Thursday, April 1, 2010

Soft Polenta with Sausage and Beef Ragu

It doesn't get any easier than this!  I'm thinking that the photo doesn't really capture the yumminess of this simple dish but it's too good not to share it anyway!

Polenta can be made a number of ways.  Soft (like you see here), fried, grilled and baked.  All of the variations start out soft like this so this is the easiest version of them all. 

Polenta is great topped with a meaty sauce or if you are a vegetarian, a yummy sauce with mixed mushrooms is fantastic!  I used my Sausage and Beef Ragu that I posted yesterday and it was a great way to use up the leftover sauce.  This is pefect to make for one so it's a great go to meal when you don't feel like working up a sweat in the kitchen if you're alone.  Just follow the directions on the package and use the serving size as a guide. 

Soft Polenta with Sausage and Beef Ragu

Serves 1-2


1/3 cup Instant Polenta
1 cup chicken broth
1/2 cup Romano or Pamigiano Cheese
1 tablespoon butter
About 1/4 cup milk (nice splash for creaminess)
1 cup of prepared sauce such as Sausage and Beef Ragu

Tools - Whisk


Bring chicken broth to boil in a small pot.  Add polenta slowly while continuously stirring with the whisk.  Stir for about 2-3 minutes until thick and smooth.  Add butter, milk, cheese and stir until incoporated.  Taste for seasoning.  Pour immediately into bowls and top with heated sauce. 


Click here for a Printable Version of Soft Polenta with Sausage and Beef Ragu


  1. Polenta, widely underused in my opinion. It seems these days, its only seen in "hard" form, where it has been cooled cut, and then griddled.

  2. I make polenta several times a week- love it with fontina cheese! Yummy!
    xoxo Pattie

  3. A lot of people, Italians among them don't appreciate good polenta.If as an Italian you grew up eating pasta, polenta seems strange, and many Americans confuse it with grits and think of it as breakfast food.Foodies seem to be familiar only with the hard form Luigi talks about above as this is the way many restaurants serve it. But to me, the way you served it, Michelle is pure comfort. Lidia has a recipe in one of her cookbooks I used for a Christmas Eve course a few years ago with layers of polenta and gorgonzola cheese. That was great too!

  4. Just found your blog. I love Italian food and can't wait to look through your recipes. This one looks great! Thanks.

  5. Ooh yum. Polenta. And ragu. Yummy!

  6. Delicious and comforting. I could definitely go for a plate of this!

  7. Love it! I just recently found out that a place right near me carries a whole bunch of different kinds of polenta, I keep meaning to get some.

  8. I love polenta and with the addition of sausage and beef ragu, YUMMY!!! YUMM!!!
    I have an AWARD for you come by and visit.

  9. Delicious and comforting. I would love a bowl of this right now;D

  10. I looooove polenta, and this one looks great, I must try :)

  11. MMMMMM Polenta and Ragu. That looks like comfort food at it's finest to me.

    I use the hard form for appetizers, but my favorite breakfast food, aside from Eggs Benedict, is soft Polenta with steamed chard and poached eggs.

  12. I truly love polenta! I don't cook it often enough. You've worked up a craving in me - this looks excellent with your Ragu!

  13. perfect! i just bought polenta and wasn't sure what to do with it. ;)

  14. I love sausages on polenta.
    I always forget how simple and comforting this dish is.
    Thanks for the reminder!

  15. Polenta -- va bene!!!!

    You might enjoy this recipe. Strange, but wonderful. I've eaten it since I was a boy.

    Luigi's Polenta:


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