Hi, thanks for checking out my blog! My name is Michele and I’m a thirty-something born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and now residing in Northern New Jersey. I started this blog as a tribute to my Italian Grandmother, Emilia. My grandmother, who I refer to as Nanny, lived with me and my family until she passed away two years ago at the ripe age of 98. Unfortunately, she didn’t write her recipes down and she never measured. The recipes that you see here are my interpretations created from my memory. Along with the help of my family, I use all my senses to recreate her dishes as I recall the taste, smell and feel of her cooking. Although Nanny has inspired me to create this blog you will also see recipes from other people who have taught and inspired me to cook. I am still learning new things every day and enjoy trying out recipes from some of my favorite Chefs. You will find those here as well. I hope you enjoy what you see and read here and maybe even try out some of the recipes yourself!
Happy Cooking!

Hi Michele,
I Love your new look, I especially love the framed photo of your grandmother! Great design!
Hey Michele--Love your blog, and your respect for your grandma! I just started an Italian food blog at
Stop on by! I am also a wannabe culinary writer and just finished a story about my nana's Sunday spaghetti sauce...fun!
Michele, I love,love, love your blog.
Hi Michele! Hey, I love your blog! I see you started it as a tribute to your grandmother. Well I did the exact same thign! Check out my site here: http://www.spaghettisauceandmeatballs.com
It is my attempt to recreate all the steps, details and secrets of my Italian grandmothers cooking. I have had great fund creating this labor of love! I think you may enjoy the site.
Happy cooking! ~8-) Anthony
Love the blog, keep up the great work!
What a lovely reason to start a food blog. :-)
We call my grandmother Nanny too! She isn't the grandmotherly kind, but her mother, and many of the members of my mother's family were/are wonderful loving people. I have more connections on my grandfather's side (we called him Papa--he passed away :( ).
I think I took after Papa's mother--or so I'm told. She couldn't speak English, but she loved many of the same things I love.
So happy we "met"!
hi michele
i am abraham, and i am preparing a list of the top 30 recipes i came across
in 2009. i am excited to include your Oven Roasted Chicken and Potatoes.
this list will be published on my site www.chackoskitchen.blogspot.com
2. Ezine articles
3. Foodbuzz
4. Blogger tips
to read more about this article please read
please could you confirm to me that this recipe was posted after 1 jan 2009 only.
Compliments Michele, I know first hand how difficult it is to repeat some recipes that come from deep confidence with ingredients, as your grandmother had.
My mother-in-law cooks so well and even if her daughter is always with her, she isn't able to repeat the same tastes, that's why I know you're so good in what you're doing!
All the best,
Ana Maria da Costa
Hi Michele,
What a charming blog! I came across it looking for a recipe for sauce...wow, your pics of preparing meatballs really took me back to my grandma's kitchen (down to the cast iron skillet!!). Oh how I miss her. I can't wait to try the sauce recipe. Thanks for sharing!
Hi Michele,
What a trip your blog is! My Italian grandmother, also Nanny, also does not use "recipes" or measure anything...so it's difficult to recreate her food. It's worth trying though, right?! It's great to see another blogger out there who started for similar reasons, I'll be a frequent visitor. :)
Stephanie from Per l'Amore del Cibo
I am so happy that someone had your blog listed on their blog roll and I happened to check you out - I LOVE your blog! We're culinary soul sisters, you and I. Well, at least I think so.
Looking forward to getting to know you better!
Hi Michael,
Thank you for sharing us your gran's recipes.
I'm from Türkiye and I have a blog presenting Turkish cullinary.
I'll be follower of your blog, all the best.
what a fantastic idea for a blog! i'm thrilled we connected through Jessica + i'm looking forward to checking out your posts + getting to know you!
I love the title of your blog. My mom's family is Italian and so fun growing up in that nationality. I love the treasured recipes....I'm going to check out your blog more.
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