These days we are all trying to stretch a buck and for me that means using up leftovers. Sometimes I am appalled at the amount of food I throw away. It's wrong and I'm really trying hard not to do that anymore. I don't know about you but I always make way more sauce than I need. Most of the time I make enough to freeze but sometimes it's just not enough to take up space in my freezer. It's times like these that using up the sauce for a skillet pasta works well. I had some leftover meat sauce and some fresh mozzarella. If you had some ricotta you could through that in too and make some baked ziti, any veggies you have would also be a lovely addition but you don't have to have anything special. Sauce, pasta and some mozzarella is all you need.
There isn't a recipe, it's very easy. Heat up your sauce in an oven proof skillet. Cook your pasta to al dente, drain, toss with sauce. Add diced or shredded mozzarella (and anything else you want to through in), toss again. You'll see the mozzarella is starting to melt from the hot sauce. Sprinkle some romano cheese on top and stick it in a 375 degree oven until cheese is melted and bubbly. If you want the cheese to brown turn your broiler on for a few minutes until the desired color is achieved.
Is that easy enough? No more throwing away leftovers!

If I wasn't in the middle of making baked ziti, I would be so upset right now. This looks delicious and totally has me wanting sauce, cheese, and pasta! If I have leftover sauce, I can definitely do something like this with it.
Love it. I do something similar sometimes, but it never looks that good. Heh.
sounds really easy! I never thought about baking it all again but it totally makes sense
I love dishes like this, Michele.
My MIL always makes this.
I especially love when baked pasta becomes a little cruncy in surface and it's still soft underneath
Oh yum!This is absolutely wonderful, my favourite and has been my downfall many times. I eat so much of it that I nearly explode!
I'm with you on the leftovers issue - hate throwing food away so really working on making a better effort not to. This dish looks like delicious comfort food - yum!
OMG. I am drooling all over my keyboard. We just had spaghetti yesterday, but no extra sauce left over, darn. This does not look like leftovers!!
Mmmmmm.... This is one of my favorites! Bakes pasta is like wine to me - it only gets better with age :-)
Yummmm total comfort food!
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